Auto Mobile & Diesel Technology

Course Name :    Auto Mobile & Diesel Technology

Semesters :    3

Duration :    3 Years


This course is a cross-section of topics in contemporary civil engineering disciplines, with emphasis on the tools of engineering problem-solving. The civil engineering programs provide students with a broad and thorough background in civil engineering fundamentals, and applications, and enlighten them for the practice of civil engineering at the professional level with the skills necessary to meet the technical and social challenges of the future. The program also ensures that students are enlightened in related Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English subjects. The program includes civil engineering education in structural design, geotechnical design, surveying, highway and transportation engineering, stormwater protection analysis, water system design, and environmental engineering. The amalgam of these subjects helps in understanding the different calculations, scientific applications, and the various terms of modern technology.

Study Scheme

Subject CodeSubject NameTPC
Gen 111Islamiat & Pakistan Studies314
Eng 112English314
Math 113Applied Mathematics-I314
Phy 122Applied Physics314
MT 164Workshop Practice-I---
 a) Machine shop & Safety practice314
 b) Metal shop, Welding practice & Foundry314
AD 133I.C Engines314
AD 143Automotive Electricity & Electronics314
Comp 142Computer Application314
Mech 163Basic Engineering Drawing And CAD-I314
Code Subject Name T P C
Gen 211 Islamiat & Pakistan Studies 1 0 1
CH 213 Applied Chemistry 2 3 2
Math 212 Applied Mathematics-II 2 0 2
PHY 212 Applied Physics/Mechanics 1 3 2
MGM 232 Industrial Management & Economics 2 0 2
MT 252 Metrology 1 3 2
AD 203 Problems in I.C Engines 2 3 3
AD 213 Suspension, Steering & Brakes 2 3 3
AD 224 Workshop Practice-II 2 6 4
AD 232 Applied Thermodynamics 1 3 2
Total 16 24 24
Code Subject Name T P C
Gen 311 Islamiat & Pakistan Studies 1 0 1
MGM 321 Business Communication 1 0 1
MT 392 Metallurgy & Heat Treatment 1 3 2
AD 302 Motor Vehicle Driving 1 3 2
AD 312 Motor Vehicle Inspection 1 3 2
AD 324 Workshop Practice-III 2 6 4
AD 343 Fuel Injection & Carburetion 2 3 3
AD 363 Automotive Transmission 2 3 3
AD 373 Computer Application in CAD & Automation 2 3 3
AD 383 Auto Body Building & Finishing 2 3 3
Total 15 27 24